Saturday 22 June 2013

Teen derp xD

Don't you find it weird how some of these relate to you...?

Saturday 1 June 2013

Thursday 30 May 2013

My playlist :*

Down below are some of my fav songs! I couldn't fit hem all on but...


Wednesday 29 May 2013

Suprise Suprise...

 Yes, I'm locked out... What is so wrong with asking a simple question? Sometimes MSP are just a little too OVER protective. We are not little kids anymore, most of us are aged 12 or over, some even 15 or 16 and Im not saying MSP is a bad game or anything it's just that how can we have fun or anything if they just keep on doing this to us? I just logged in this morning and it said: You are locked out for 1 day because you said blah blah blah... I've been locked out like this for a countless number of times and I'm getting fed up. By now, probably everyone on MSP has been locked out for a while. It's just so frickin annoying!! So now I've gotta wait till tomorrow to login. Great. -.-
Well on the bright side, I have recently been getting a lot of fame and SC and I just wanna say a huge thanks to everyone who is helping and this new fame mag is awesome! I took this pic yesterday and I have more SC's now because the last time I logged in I had 39 thousand SC and I wanna get at least 50.000SC's by the end of the week because I've never had that much Starcoins before :p And yeah tomorrow I will have to spend at least 4000SC's because there is gonna be a new comp. So that's me for now. I posted two vid's below, enjoy :p

Sunday 19 May 2013

This person is a piss taker. I know it's the same person because it's the exact same way they spelt it last time. 
I think this guy has totally lost it... like who does he think he is? Do I look like a lesbian? 

Thursday 11 April 2013

All My Users

I was bored and I had nothing to do so yeah xD
Click to Enlarge ;p

Saturday 9 February 2013

The person who is saying IM a bully... -.-

If you came on my blog before, you might recognize this post, I took the post off before because anna wanted me too, and I also thought she changed..... but I guess I was wrong. I kept the pictures because I wasn't quit sure weather she really had changed. So anna, if your reading, no matter how much times you ask   for me to take this post off, i'm not, you've hurt me, and your acting like your the innocent one in all this. Now, finally you've blocked me, so I can't snip the messages, but I kept these just incase. Now everyone, before you start believing Anna about ME being a bully, just look at this post to remind you who she really is. I have had enough of you Anna, all the drama you have caused in Canada MSP. People on canada MSP moved there for peace and no drama, and then comes you. Just because you don't get what you want, doesn't mean you have to cause a fight. LEAVE ME ALONE, Anna, and stop acting like IM the bully.