Monday 30 July 2012

I Absoloutly HATE MSP right now!!!!

MSP are f*ing idiots!!!! I was gonna write faker, but then I ACCIDENTLY spelt it wronge and they blocked me for 14 hours... I just HATE HATE HATE MSP!!! Gosh!!! They are flipping serious about EVERYTHING I simply write the word ' Tiny Chat' and i get warned... IM SICK OF IT!!! Its like everything you say you get warned for!!! X( This has gone too far now!!! Bloody URRGGHH!!!! 

Saturday 14 July 2012

Get Glitter Graphics

This look was made in Feb 1 2001... How it be possible?? I wasnt even born yet, and moviestarplanet had not existed... so wtf? AKWARD!  0.o

Saturday 7 July 2012

Get Glitter Graphics

Look, she has no name!!! I tryed to click on her... but her profile  never came on!!! D: I think this is the REAL anonymous D:   Omg, if you can't report her... then that means she unstoppable!!! Omg, Im sooo scared that I might get hacked!!! D:

Thursday 5 July 2012

Get G

litter Graphics

Yesh! That's right! I got warned JUST FOR SAYING THAT!!!!
x-o Sometimes MSP is so..... STUPID!! -.-"
This isn't even the first time!! Add Glitter Graphics - Piczo

Get Piczo Glitter Pics
Get Glitter Graphics
Comments by

 I would just like to say Happy American Independence Day! :)
Even though It was ment to be yesterday! |8